Enhancing Leadership Skills Among Undergraduate Women at the Center for Leadership Science (CLS)
Discover how Belk College of Business is leveraging Virtual Reality to empower future leaders.
Difficult conversations, negotiations, networking
minutes spent in VR
practice exercises completed
confidence and engagement

Customer Introduction
The Center for Leadership Science (CLS), housed within the Belk College of Business at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, takes an interdisciplinary approach to researching and teaching leadership. CLS focuses on research, teaching, and community engagement to serve as a hub of excellence, rooted in scientific rigor and aimed at building the next generation of inclusive leaders.

The Goal
CLS partnered with Women in Business, an initiative within the Belk College of Business, to develop and strengthen leadership skills among undergraduate women. The objective was to provide students with an alternative, immersive way to practice key career-developing activities, ensuring they feel confident and prepared for the workplace.
This partnership also aimed to demonstrate the potential of virtual reality (VR) for developmental purposes within a leadership context.

"It was a great experience overall. Our students seemed to really enjoy and benefit from it. We had multiple students relay how helpful practicing various career-development activities, particularly the elevator speech, have been when interviewing for internships and full-time positions. It was great for students to see (and experience) how virtual reality can be used in a developmental way that’s both fun and informative."
The Solution
VirtualSpeech was selected to facilitate this initiative due to its innovative VR training solutions. Students engaged in the following activities:
- Crafting and delivering an elevator speech.
- Providing performance reviews to underperforming employees.
- Practicing networking skills.
- Negotiating pay raises.
- Presenting their own speeches.

Results and Benefits
The implementation of VirtualSpeech yielded significant positive outcomes for the students at CLS. Students provided feedback highlighting the impact of the VR training on their confidence and skill development:
- "I think this is an amazing experience and I hope that this keeps going."
- "I liked the underperforming employee exercise – it’s something no one really teaches you how to do."
- "This is a helpful tool to keep practicing public speaking and grow confident each time."
- "It’s been a great conversation starter in interviews!"
The VR exercises were particularly beneficial for preparing for interviews and full-time positions, with the elevator speech exercise standing out as especially impactful. The use of VR for practicing various career-development activities proved to be both fun and informative, showcasing the developmental potential of VR technology.